This started out like it was going to be an exciting adventure. Mommy came home from the place that she wears her pretty clothes, and she put a bunch of stuff in her car and then got me and the Oaf!!! This seems like a road trip! Woo hoo!!! Road Trips are always fun, but this one has not been....

We started out in our crates for FOREVER!!!!! It was really late, but awesome to finally get out of our crates the first night. The Oaf was being all oaf-like and woke us all up trying to cuddle. The next day we got back in our crates and ended up at a lake. Looks like we're going to a water trial. I crossed my little paws that I wasn't going to have to play. I went three days without having to play near all the people. I got in the water on our walks though, and it was nice and cool and refreshing!

The best part of this trip was celebrating Aidan's Birthday yesterday! We got ice cream! Vanilla ice cream is one of my most favorite things. It looked like I would get my own, but then Mommy said that was too much, so I had to share with my pesky little brother.....I told him I didn't want to share, so Mommy made us "take turns." I think I still got more than the Oaf did though.

Today was another boring day of sleeping in my crate, but the Oaf is being less Oaf-like, so that's a HUGE bonus. I'm sure we'll all actually get some good sleep tonight finally!
