
Well, what an odd day. It started when my dog family began showing up at my house. That almost NEVER happened at the old house. Mom says that's an advantage of being a Valley Girl now. First my Aunt Colleen showed up with my brother Armada. Then Aunt Cindi showed up. And finally Aunt Mama and Uncle Daddy came with MommyDoodleBug. Like, what is going on?!

After awhile, all of us except Uncle Daddy and my Daddy got into the dog van and drove off. OK, I've done this before. Usually means fun!! We stopped for food and we dogs all got chicken nuggets. They weren't Chik-Fil-A, but hey, nuggets are nuggets. Didn't stop me. I LOVE chicken nuggets.

We went to a place I've never been before. Mom put a bandana around my neck and reminded me to be a good girl. Like I'm not ALWAYS a good girl! Anyway, we went in this new place and met a lot of people I've never seen before. At first I wasn't too sure about the whole thing, but Armada was greeting the people and getting petted, so I decided it was an ok thing. I only put my feet on the table one time and I let all of them pet me. I'd say that was being a pretty good girl.

After awhile, me and Armada and MommyDoodleBug got to go to the van. That was a relief. Greeting people is hard work. I slept the whole way home!

Caly Out (like a light)!