This has been the best and longest weekend ever!!!!!

A few days ago (I don't know exactly how many. I'm a puppy....I can't count.), Mommy and Daddy packed up Mommy's fast moving box with all kinds of fun things, and packed me and Stuffy Pants too!!!! Another road trip, woo hoo! Little did I know how long this road trip was going to take...we were in the car for FOREVER!!!!! I've said this before, but this time I really mean it......was.........for........EVER.

The first day outside of Mommy's fast moving box I got to see a little hairless puppy. She belongs to one of Daddy's friends and she was really cute. But, Daddy wouldn't let me play with her. Then we went to a really pretty BIG pond!!! I had to wait in my crate for my turn, but before my turn I got to go for a run with Daddy! He said we only got 3 miles in though, and that's not nearly far enough for either of us. When it was my turn, I REALLY wanted to go play with the other cute puppy practicing next to me, but Daddy wouldn't let me! Aunt Martha came up and started helping me and Daddy, and we ended up playing with my float line! Aunt Martha helped Daddy make it loads of fun! After we got finished in the water Aunt Martha helped Daddy play with my float line on land. She put treats in a pouch ON the line, puppy brain blown!!!! After we got finished practicing on land, Aunt Martha got Baby DeeDee out and she's so cute!!! We played a little bit, but she said that I could play with her more if I was good in two days.  I have been VERY good! After that Stuffy Pants and Mommy went with me and Daddy on another walk. This one took a lot longer, and way more fun because the whole family went!

The next day was awesome! We got to sleep in for a really long time, so I got to cuddle with Daddy a bunch. We went to the big pond again and I got to play this really fun, easy game with Daddy. We would walk around and every time I looked at Daddy I got REALLY yummy chicken hot dogs. I don't know where they came from, but these chicken hot dogs were the best hot dogs I've ever had! We played this game a lot, and Daddy got really happy when I looked at him. We also cuddled more. After we had been there for a little while we went for a long walk again. When we got back to our crates all the other puppies were gone, so Mommy and Daddy played with me in the water some. I got my float line for Daddy a bunch of time, and Mommy was clumsy and dropped splunky a few times. Since I want to play with Baby DeeDee, I made sure to be extra helpful! After that, Daddy got me and Stuff Pants some ice cream. I was confused on why we were getting ice cream. Then Mommy started to tear up and told us this was for Aidan's Birthday. Unfortunately, Mommy made me share with Stuffy Pants. Not cool Mommy. Not cool. When we got back to the little bedroom, Mommy and Daddy took me and Stuffy Pants outside and ate at a patio. I kept trying to slip through the bushes and see people,but Mommy kept pulling me back. She can be a party pooper sometimes. Then we came back inside and I cuddled Daddy to sleep.

This morning was terrible! Mommy woke us all up SUPER early. I don't think she gets this whole "vacation" thing. Daddy was smart though. He told Mommy she should take a shower and then me and Daddy got to cuddle more. Stuffy Pants came and cuddled too for a little bit. Big Brother's always ruin everything. We went back to the big pond and this time Daddy was talking to a bunch of people at first and Mommy ended up taking me for a little walk right after we got there. After a little bit Daddy came and got me out of my crate again, and then we played the same fun games as yesterday. Later, Daddy got me out again, put my harness on, and gathered up my water toys! We're about to have so much fun!!!!! This time the beach had rings set up, so it was a little bit different from the other practice we had. Daddy took my leash off, and we went and played in the water some. Then Daddy got my splunky, he dropped it in the water and asked me to get it! Since I wanted to play with Baby DeeDee I gladly picked it up...I may have barked at Daddy first though.....Then Aunt Martha threw my dummy WAY far out in the water, so I ran out to get it, but I heard Hairless Puppies playing in the water nearby, and I thought I should go play with them, but Daddy reminded me that I needed to bring my dummy. Then I saw a puppy playing with her float line nearby on the other side, and I thought that looked like a lot of fun, but then Daddy came back out and reminded me that I needed to get my dummy, so I did. After that we did one of my favorite games!!! Daddy asks me to take my dummy and take it to the BOAT!!!!! I did it of course, then we had a little boat ride. I had so much fun with Daddy!!!  Daddy said I did real good and he was proud of me, so I started looking for Baby DeeDee to play with. Aunt Martha never brought her to see me, so she must have thought I was bad.  :(

The last few days have been very tiring,but a lot of fun. I am enjoying the vacation so far,and I hope it continues to be so much fun....and I hope to play with Baby DeeDee soon.