First, I want to apologize to all my adoring fans for my blogging absence.  I have been lazy about letting everyone know what is going on.  You will have to trust me when I say that A LOT has been going on. 

Daddy tried to teach me weaves but I really couldn't understand the game.  So Mommy took over and I am really starting to get it now.  She says I am going to be able to trial soon.  That sounds scary but a lot of fun!  I have been to a lot of new places this Winter.  Mommy and Daddy have take me and Armada to a cabin in the woods where we got to go hiking!  There was a HUGE bridge that we could see from the top of these mountains.  It was a long ways down and looking over the side scared me.  But I was ok since Daddy was with me.  I am looking forwards to more adventures!

I guess I should explain why sleeping is hard.  Last night, I went to bed with Mommy and Daddy.  I like to cuddle with them both.  I started with Daddy and then moved to Mommy.  Later in the night, I decided to cuddle with Daddy.  I wanted to be near the edge of the bed but Daddy was too close and I couldn't fit in.  So I pushed him until he moved over some.  Then I cuddled up really close and fell back to sleep.  I was dreaming of chasing flying dogs, which is the coolest thing I have ever seen.  I guess I tried to catch one because the next thing I remember is the feeling of falling.  I woke up and I was sliding off the bed!  I tried to catch myself but it didn't work and I fell to the floor.  I hopped up real quick like nothing happened and looked at Daddy.  I couldn't believe it but he was laughing at me!  So I jumped back up in bed and cuddled with Mommy the rest of the night.  That will teach him to laugh at me.

On to my next adventure!
