Last night when Mommy and Daddy got home from Daddy's volleybally game us pups were crazy dogs! So Mommy put us outside for a little bit, then we came back in and played and played and played some more. After awhile Daddy put us back outside. Me and the Oaf were out for a while. MamaBug was not! The Oaf decided to play in the mud hole we made a few months ago, but I knew Mommy would be upset, so I was trying to put the mud back into the mud hole and then it happened....Daddy called us inside. I didn't have enough time to properly clean off my paws, and when I came inside I jumped into Mommy's lap, and she said "Armada it smells like you've been digging..." she looked at the blanket and there were muddy Armada paw prints on it. Daddy got up and took me and the Oaf into the bathroom to do a paws and undercarriage rinse. After Daddy finished with my rinse Mommy let me out of the bathroom and I ZOOMED around the house well enough to have made Aidan proud! When the Oaf got finished with his rinse we zoomed together. Then we all cuddled up on the couch and watched the scary show that Mommy and Daddy like to watch.

Before last call Mommy told Daddy that she thought us pups were sleepy enough to be good sleepers upstairs, so me, MamaBug, and the Oaf got to sleep with Mommy and Daddy, yay!!!! I'm awesome, and cuddled up really nicely right on top of Mommy's back. Eventually she moved and I got hot, so I cuddled up beside her. The Oaf was Oaf. He was his typical self, on and off the bed all night long. He wasn't quite as bad has he has been, but then it happened....he rolled right off the side of the bed. The THUD that puppy makes when he rolls off of the bed is unmistakable! Me and Mommy chuckled, Daddy asked Trek if he was okay, and I don't think MamaBug even woke up. Trek then jumped back up in bed and slept between Mommy and Daddy the rest of the night. When Mommy woke up in the morning she told me and the Oaf that we were both exactly like Aidan all in one night. Aidan used to fall off the bed too sometimes, and he used to cuddle up to Mommy like I did last night. I'm sure the Oaf will be a good sleeper one day...
