Mommy and Daddy ran away again this weekend. They were smelly and dirty when they got home, so I think they were at one of those races they do. I was super excited when Mommy got home, so I jumped on her and nipped at her and was a happy little puppy! Mommy said she missed me and gave me lots of pets, she even let me give her kisses. When she got finished playing in the water she wasn't nearly as smelly, but she seemed really tired, so she sat on the couch with Daddy and we all watched TV. Mommy and Daddy even let me and the Oaf sleep with them on the comfy bed!

Sunday morning started out like a normal Sunday morning, the Oaf woke Daddy up and he took us downstairs for morning potty time and breakfast. Many hours later Mommy finally emerged! She said we had to go to Aunt Mama's house to celebrate MamaBug, Uncle Indy, and Aunty Emma's Birthday! I got REALLY excited because that means ICE CREAM!!!!!! I'm still bummed that we didn't get any ice cream for Phoebe's birthday...I need to figure out how to file a formal complaint about that. Mommy got her camera, and Daddy loaded us up in Mommy's car. In no time, we were at Aunt Mama's house. EVERYBODY was there (except Phoebe), even Aunt Bela was there! Yay, brown dogs!!!! First we got to go up to the pond, and we swam and swam and swam and ran around. The Oaf had to wait down in the car because his wrist is still hurt. When everybody else went down to the house to get showers, Daddy went and got the Oaf, so just me, Caly, and the Oaf were playing at the pond. It was a lot of fun to play with just the three of us. We even got to play with the geese there were there. Trek would swim after them, and I would run around the edge of the pond and bark at them! It was a lot of fun. After us 3 were finished at the pond we went and got showers too. Then it was the best part of the day, ICE CREAM time!!!!! I tried to steal some of the Oaf's ice cream, but Daddy wouldn't let me.

After that me, Trek, Caly, MamaBug, Aunty Em, and Uncle Indy took turns doing tricks for everybody! It was lots of fun! Allyn All it was a super fun day, and to top it off MamaBug got to come home with me and the Oaf (probably because the Oaf needs extra supervision)!
