Since Aunt Mama is moving a little more slowly today, I'm going to try take a few minutes to document my adventures.

Aunt Mama’s been really busy doing things, like taking down the ex-pens around the dog yard fence (since there won’t be puppies here for a while, and Uncle Daddy says I’m too big to fit through), then Aunt Mama steamed the floor in the rubber room, and rearranged some furniture. I got to ride on some of the furniture, like it was a boat! It was like SO MUCH FUN!!!!

In the morning, my brothers showed up with Aunt Colleen and Uncle Jeremy. Things were different though, instead of going straight up to the pond to have like tons of fun, they came into the dog yard. A few minutes later Aunt Cindi showed up, but she didn’t have Uncle Indy, Aunt Bela, or my cousin Phoebe. Things were starting to seem a little strange. Then Aunt Marta, and Ms. Carol showed up with like adorable Golden Puppies. I got so excited to help, that I squeezed my substantial-self through the fence (I guess Uncle Daddy was totally wrong) and greeted Aunt Marta and Ms. Carol in the driveway, you know in case they didn’t know how to come in! I was just showing some southern hospitality, duh! Well, Aunt Mama and Aunt Cindi didn’t seem to think it was a nice way to greet. Soon after, the boys (Armada, Trek and Uncle Jack) got put in the spa room and me and MamaBug got to watch and help with the Golden puppies temperament evaluations. Those puppies like REALLY didn’t know very much, some of them wouldn’t even be helpful and bring toys back that rolled away from Aunt Mama, and they wouldn’t come when Aunt Mama called them either! They seemed good at cuddling at least, good cuddlers are important!

After what seemed like, FOREVER they FINALLY finished up and Aunt Marta took the baby puppies home (I guess they didn’t want to have fun with us). Aunt Cindi went home too since she didn’t have Uncle Indy, Aunt B, or Phoebe. Aunt Mama and Aunt Colleen let the boys out of the spa room and started gathering up the stuff they always wear to the pond. I KNEW what that meant, we were FINALLY going to play.

I like totally had a GREAT time, even if my goofy little brother kept jumping on me to try to get a bumper first. Now I know why Armada calls him an oaf all the time. Aunt Mama yelled at him, but we were too far away for that to make any difference. Aunt Mama was especially mad when Trek jumped on our MamaBug, but again he didn't pay much attention. Eventually, I waited for him to go first and then I leapt way out and landed on top of him, PAY BACK goof ball!!!!! He is harder to sink though because he is like way bigger than me, but since Trek doesn't really have a clue of what we are doing, I can make up for him taking off first, even if I don’t sink him. Although, sometimes he tries to take the bumper away after I pick it up, which is like so not cool, and then we have a little squabble and Armada ends up taking the bumper to the humans. Little brothers are exhausting, I’m glad I don’t have to put up with them like ALL the time.

After a little while, us pups started taking the bumpers to the cool, shady side of the pond. I really don’t know why the humans don’t come over to this side, so much cooler! Aunt Mama paddled the swim platform out to try to gather up some of the bumpers we had left over there. I guess they don’t understand what we’re trying to tell them. Sometimes our humans are like not very smart. Aunt Mama is a REALLY good, fast boat boarder though. We have this fun game where we all get there at almost the same time and she hauls us up really fast - a couple of times she boarded Trek and me at the SAME TIME, and then we LEAP right back off and then get boarded again. SO MUCH FUN!!!! I love jumping into the water, or swiming in the water, or standing in the water, or really doing anything with water. Water is like totally awesome!

Eventually, the humans got tired and took us down to the house for our showers. We went into the spa room and waited while Aunt Mama gathered up some dry clothes for Uncle Jeremy and Donovan and changed out of her wet clothes. Then she gave us showers, I love that she's giving us squirty cheese in the shower again. Apparently, Trek missed that part of getting a shower, so he tries to just stand in one spot instead of turning to help Aunt Mama get to the parts that need attention. So he gets squirty cheese like me and Armada did as babies and if he gets it for his shower, we do too! WIN WIN! Ok, so maybe the goof ball isn’t so bad after all! Aunt Mama let us outside while she went to put on dry clothes AGAIN! I LOVE to be wet, I don't understand why she dislikes it so much.

After we ran off our post bathing zoomies, and rubbed up against everything like cats (we got that from our Mama's Mama, Granddam Jill), we played a little bit and then settled down after we ate dinner. My brothers eventually went home and I helped cuddle Aunt Mama until she had to go take her shower and get ready for bed. After a while, she came back for 'last call' and gave us a bedtime snack. I always hop into a crate just in case, but since I'm such a good girl, she like never closes the door anymore. Eventually, I come out and find another cool place to sleep.

I had a good night's sleep and was ready to GO this morning. But so far, all she's wanted me to do for her is cuddle and give kisses. I brought her a few toys, but I really hope she takes me to the pond today. If not, Aunt Mama promised that we'll go tomorrow since my Mom is coming to practice my water exercises before she takes me back home. I'll be happy to see her but I'll have fun in the meantime, too!

Caly Out!