I have said it before and I will say it again.  Something has GOT to give with this water on the grass in the mornings.  Whoever is putting it there is really causing some issues with my morning constitutional.

Other than the typical morning issue, it was a pretty relaxing day....until Aunt Colleen and Uncle Jeremy came.  Whenever Uncle Jeremy shows up, I know the fun is about to begin. Then it hit me.  They didnt come in to say hello.  So not funny.  So I barked and barked until Armada and Trek came to visit.  Wait, why are they outside the fence and I am not.  Where is Mommy?  Are you KIDDING ME!!  She went up to play with them and left me at the house. So not cool.

Finally, Mommy came down and got me.  Its about time!  I want to play.  So I RAN to the pond as fast as I could and found Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Colleen.  Where are Trek and Armada?  Seriously, you crated them?  Hm, guess they want me to work.  I fetched my bumper from the pond.  It felt great to get in the water.  Uncle Jeremy got me ready to play more games and then I got on a boat with Mommy and Don to go play.  We got out on the water and I could see Uncle Jeremy on a boat on the other side.  Oh, I know what this means.  He has chicken!  Don is new to this game.  So I thought I would have some fun and make it harder on him.  When Mommy let me swim to Uncle Jeremy, I dove off at an angle.  It pushed the boat sideways and Don had no idea how to fix it.  buahahahahaha

After going between boats a couple times, I got my float line and swim time was over.  I think it was making Mommy sick with the boat going all over the place.

After my bath, I got in Aunt Colleens truck to go to her house.  This just means more fun with Uncle Jeremy.  I cant wait to see what games we play!