day ever!

My Mommy and Daddy have lost their minds.  This morning (it was really still nighttime, which just shows how weird things are going), they got up really early and left without ANY of us.  (My MamaDoodlebug wouldn't even get out of the bed to eat breakfast, it was so early.). My Aunt Chrissy was still home with us but she wouldn't let me play, everybody keeps reminding me to be easy and gentle and careful, what's up with that nonsense?  I don't like whatever this recuperating thing they keep talking about - it's the most boring thing ever.

Anyway, before too long, my Aunt Mama and Aunt Cindi came to see me.  Yay!  I'm finally going to get to have some fun, this is more like it!  They took me and my MamaBug out to Aunt Cindi's van and there was more of that "wait, easy, let Aunt Mama do it' nonsense.  Her van is way lower than Mommy's fast moving box but she lifted me in anyway.  And then we went off and left  Stuffy Pants Armada home to take care of Auny Chrissy and the Kid (someone has to be responsible and that's the older brother's job).

So we get to Aunt Mama's house and I KNOW things are finally going to get hopping.  The POND is there and we have all kinds of fun romping back on the hill.  (I bet my friends that swim in the air are still there too). Imagine my despair when she lifts me out of the van, and instead of taking me to the pond, she takes me into the house and puts me in a castle like when I was a tiny puppy.  There's a nice bed and some chewies and blankies in there but still, I'm a big boy now, This is NOT RIGHT!  She and Aunt Cindi were going to take something to the pond for the boat but I was so unhappy I had to do my Kevin the Bird impression which makes Uncle Jack howl very very morosely so they waited.  Aunt Mama sat with me instead and eventually I decided to chew on one the little niblets and then a real chewy and we finally all took a little nap.

She's taken me outside several times but they are for really short little walks and I have to wear the harness.  I keep hoping when we go out the gate that this time we are going to the pond but she takes me out to the front yard in case I want to pee on some bushes or trees (I pee in the dog yard but my MamaBug comes along and pees over it immediately.  How embarrassing!) and then brings me back into my puppy castle.  I do get nice treats for that but still, I want to PLAY or WORK or SOMETHING!

I did have a good dinner.  Aunt Mama almost always feeds me real meat and I like that a lot.  Daddy has been trying to hide poison in the stuff he calls kibble but I don't fall for that.  Aunt Mama must've forgotten that they are trying to poison me because I didn't notice any bad stuff in my dinner (and I licked that bowl VERY clean because I am a good boy.  I'm a much better eater than my brother).

I just heard my friends who swim in the air saying they are going to swim in the pond.  I'm hollering back that I want to go too but Aunt Mama says I can't.

I tell you this has been the weirdest day ever.  I hope these people come to their senses soon.
