Today is the oaf's birthday! Aunt Momma always says that at 2 years old we become big boys, I'm not sure Trek got the memo....he's still acting like a loon! I still love him anyway, so Happy Birthday Oaf (and the rest of my siblings from the oaf's litter: Fin, Hava, Keeper and Tootsie)!!!!!!

Eh, the morning was the same old, same old. Except for some reason Mommy and Daddy both left around the same time. The oaf was super worried that they were going to be gone forever, so we wouldn’t get our breakfast, but I knew that wasn’t true. The humans ALWAYS make us eat breakfast……When Daddy got back home he let us outback for a while. When we came back in, he had our breakfast ready for us. I like to play this game with the oaf where I eat my food REALLY slowly! He gets all upset and starts yelling for Daddy. It’s so funny!

When Mommy got home from work I got so excited to see her!!! I started parading around with one of my toys and was jumping on her, and then she said “Are you excited to go to the pond?!” and I thought to myself, “The pond? On Monday? YEP!!!!” So we loaded up into Mommy’s car and headed out. When we got there Mommy let the oaf out of his crate first!!!! What on Earth!?! When Mommy finally let me out, which was like SECONDS later, I raced Trek down to the water and beat him! I got wet first, haha!!!! Daddy started yelling at me, telling me what a good boy I was! I like it when Daddy tells me I’m a good boy. After a few minutes they finally came to their senses and locked the oaf up in the barking lot, and it was all my turn! Mommy kept dropping my float line on the ground and told me to go get it, and then ran away from me. I know I’m supposed to get it to her quickly, so I ran as fast as I could to get it to her before she got REALLY far away….doesn’t Mommy know float lines go in water? She did the same thing with my dummy a few times too, silly Mommy. We did a few more things, and then we swam out to the chicken holders. We went to both of them twice, Mommy said I did awesome, and she was super happy with me!

When we were heading home Mommy started telling Daddy about the oaf swimming out to the chicken holders with her. I heard her tell Daddy that Aidan and Trek swim exactly the same. Aidan was pretty special to me and Mommy, so if Trek is like Aidan that must mean he’s pretty special too! 

Well, yesterday was like most other days. I ate breakfast and then I laid in Daddy’s office all day with him while he worked. It was a fun day without much going on. When Mommy got home from work she switched out of her pretty clothes, ate her dinner real quick, and then her, Daddy, and Don took the oaf away for a few hours!!! Best two hours of my day! I didn’t have to watch him do stupid things like jump on the couch from the wrong way, and try to get me to play tug with a tiny piece of toy (or a bone, or things you don’t play tug with).

Just after everybody got back home it started to storm, with some very loud thunder and beautiful lightning. Recently, this has meant the oaf and I get to sleep with Mommy and Daddy!!!! Except last night the oaf had to ruin it!!!!!!!!!!! I had gotten hot so I hopped off the bed and was sleeping on the bathroom floor when I heard, “Jeremy…your dog just peed on my feet!” Mommy’s feet is where I usually sleep…so maybe I shouldn’t have gotten off the bed, or maybe it’s a REALLY good thing I did get off the bed. Daddy turned on the lights and sure enough there was a HUGE pee spot right where Mommy’s feet typically are. Daddy took me and oaf downstairs, he made us go outside to try to potty again, and then put us in our crates, while Mommy took the sheets off of the bed. Big-Little brothers ruin everything!

After breakfast Daddy started cutting up some chicken (oh, and I ate all of my breakfast, for some reason Mommy and Daddy make a big deal about having a “clean bowl”). Usually when Daddy is doing this we’re getting ready to go somewhere, or do something fun! I pondered to myself what we would be getting to do today, and would the oaf be ruining it.

A little bit later Mommy loaded me, Mommy Doodlebug, and the oaf (unfortunately) up into her car. When all three of us are loaded up there are only two places we go, the training building, or to Aunt Cristi’s. Turns out we were heading to Aunt Cristi’s, but us pups had to wait an awfully long time before we got to get out and play. I was in a crate really close to the pond and heard Uncle Bruce and Daddy talking about boats and power tools…..

 When Aunt LeAnn and Aunt Cindi arrived with Indy, Phoebe, Emma, and Caly we all got to get out to run amuck for a little bit. When someone would throw a dummy out for us to retrieve I had to make sure I got there before the oaf, or at least made sure I brought the dummy back, I can’t let them think that my brother is a better water dog than I am!!!!

I got to practice some with Mommy, she keeps wanting to swim to the chicken holders for some reason, and then back to shore and such. Honestly, my favorite thing to do is carry my dummy to the boat, and then lay down on the platform for a little while. For some reason everybody makes a big deal about this, but it’s SUPER easy. When Mommy and I got finished playing I went back to my crate for a little bit, and then we all got to play again.

When we got home from playing at Aunt Cristi’s we were settling down to watch a movie and the neighbors were shooting off fireworks, the oaf was not happy about this, and barked his head off, as if that would make it stop. Although, I must admit Trek being a scaredy dog, worked out in my favor for once. I got to sleep in Mommy and Daddy’s bed!!!! 

For some reason Daddy has been filling up puppy pools with water and dropping stuff in it. The other night he and Mommy were dropping meatballs in the puppy pool, which seemed a little odd, but they were meat balls, we don't get those very often, so I figured I would take part. Yesterday, he filled that puppy pool up with water again and kept dropping chicken and my whiffle ball in there! Is he MAD?!? You don't fill a puppy pool up with water, you put puppies in a puppy pool! Puppies can't live in a puppy pool filled with water!

That maddness finally stopped when Mommy got home from work, and then she loaded me and the oaf up into her car and we went to Aunt Cristi's house for water practice. They let us out to "blow off carbon," whatever that means, and I was really upset because Jack and Doodlebug didn't get to come up and play, so I went down to check on them a few times, but the oaf had to ruin it by coming with me and making a big scene. Mommy and Daddy don't fully trust that oaf, so they ALWAYS come looking for us when he joins in. After a few minutes they put the oaf in his crate and I got to stay out!!!! Mommy got my whiffle ball and kept dropping it in the pond for some reason, she expected me to pick it up for her....I had to get my hair wet!!!! The nerve of her! At least I got some chicken for being helpful. Then she threw my float line out in the water, and it was too far for Mommy to get, so I swam out and got it for her. Then Mommy got in the water with me and swam some. I don't know if you know this, but those floaty things way off shore, I think they're called "markers" they have chicken on them!!!!! Once I swam to the chicken holders and back to shore Mommy and Daddy played the recall game with me some, which is one of the coolest things ever! They give me chicken and let me jump on them, as if it's hard to run back and forth between them. After that I got to rest peacefully in my crate in Mommy's truck, because it was the oaf's turn next. Then he reappeared and we were stuck there together while Mommy, Daddy, and Aunt Cristi played with Doodlebug.

After that we all got baths and went home and Doodlebug came with us, that means there's no chance of getting to sleep with Mommy and Daddy for the next few nights! I did my best to make sure they know of my disapproval at sunrise by barking my little head off just to get a drink of water :) I'm such a good puppy! Hopefully today Daddy's puppy pool madness has stopped or Aunt Cristi might not let him go play with puppies in the future!